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Mindfulness meditation: A research-proven way to reduce stress
(Excerpt from the American Psychological 10/30/2019)
Psychologist have found that mindfulness meditation changes our brain and biology in positive ways, improving mental and physical health.
Mindfulness meditation has two main parts: attention and acceptance.
Attention is about tuning into your experiences to focus in the present moment.
Acceptance involves observing the thoughts without judgment, reacting, instead we aim to note them and let them go. Knowing the benefits of meditation, many people have struggled and dropped out of practicing mindfulness. Here at Dahana Gachi Healing Center, we have designed guided meditation with sound healing specifically aim to help beginners to focus and calm their mind.
This modality introduces easy ways to calm the nervous system to attract your favorable outcome by tapping into Taoist philosophy, psychology and quantum physics. Nikola Tesla said, "if you want to find the secret of the Universe, you need to think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
Our brain pulsates with electro magnetic energy, affecting our emotions, our health and our general state of well being. We can feel this on an emotional level. When we say, that somebody's on our wavelength or we feel in tune with a person or situation. Some call this as resonance referring to law of attraction; it attracts through frequencies and vibrations. Albert Einstein said "all living things vibrates". Modern research found that healthy cells and cancer cells vibrates in different frequencies. It is suggested through the principle of entrainment, whereby more powerful frequency causes a weaker frequency to synchronize, with this we can reprogram the imbalanced cells to entrain with coherent geometrical healthy patterns through sound. Therefore, if we direct harmonious sounds toward our body, we are able to bring ourselves into our own optimum frequency resulting balance and healing. Nature is balance and balance is in our well being.
Commit yourself to an ancient wisdom of healing; tune your body, just like how you tune your instruments, achieve harmonic (agreeable) sounds; insert loving frequencies into your brain so that we can turn your perceptions and your thoughts from chaotic reality into a beautiful reality.
By minding your perception through sound with your determination, you will experience the flow of positive energy.
When you are called charismatic, and confident, that means you are generating strong positive vibration. When this happens, life starts to flow and those serendipitous moments increases. Your desires will manifest faster through synchronicities. Know your energy, vibration and frequencies; learn how our body, mind and soul works so you can align them together for your wellness.
Here at Dahana Gachi Healing Center, we believe all healing is self healing . It doesn't matter who knocked you down, getting up is your responsibility. Healing is loving and loving is paying an attention and accepting. We are delighted with our success and we can't wait to share this modalities with you and help you become a healer as well.
Please be mindful, zoom is not perfect, lower your expectations, make sure your download speed is high, sign in 10 min prior class start time to be admitted, have headset or earbuds handy, ready to make volume adjustments and smile.
I am amazed and grateful that we can connect this way, safely.
What to expect from a pre-recorded Guided Meditation/Sound Healing class?
. Prep your area, make it cozy
. Sit upright or lie down, spine straight
. Smile, get excited, be thankful
. Cleanse and let yourself go
. Breath work/Grounding
. Set intention
. Listen to the Guided words
. Listen to the sacred Sound
. Relax, let go and receive

What to expect from Bundle/Gift (card) class:
. Commit to once a week, 4 weeks in a row.
. Gift class starts every beginning of a month.
. Submit one issue that you would like to work on (reason why) in short paragraph so I can offer an affirmation or mantra for you when you sign up for the class
. Decide and focus to bring change, ready to journal, repeat your mantra or affirmation and ready to do homework.
. All healing is self healing, this is about getting know you and rise up to your challenges and difficulties. I am here to love, support and hold the space for you, patiently.
. Same 7 steps as above except during pause, in between the sounds you will repeat your mantra using your inner voice, if you can.


zoom instruction:
. Down load an app
. Sign in 10 min prior to class
. Close all apps & tabs for speed
. Join zoom w/ computer audio
. Wear headphone or ear buds
. Be ready to adjust the volume
. Mute on your side
. Smile, I'm glad you can join us.
Healing Meditation Event
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