Preparing for your Hypnosis Session
Dahana's hypnosis session can be a powerful and life-changing experience. I remember having an enormous anxiety and excitement at the same time before the session. The key is, you have to want it, and let go of the outcome. You will receive as much as you are allowing by trusting. Clients who have a regular meditation practice enter the hypnotic state easier and progress deeper into their past life.
. Practice deep relaxation and visualization. Breathe in deep and breathe out long 10x a day
. Meditate for at least 10-15 minutes a day leading up to your session.
. Set an intention: express your true heart's desire in your own words
. No alcohol/recreational drugs for 48 hours before the session. Instead, drink plenty of water.
. Affirmation: (repeat as often as possible till the appointment day)
"I am trusting and letting go. This beautiful experience will unfold in a most loving way"
. (only for QHHT & Spiritual Hypnosis):
Submit 7-12 questions concerning your health or life questions. There's no limitation, go all out, email to me the day before the session as confirming the appointment along with the remainder balance of your investment fee.
. Wake up, go out in the nature and affirm your intention for today's session.
. The session usually takes about 4 – 6 hours, including the interview. Clear your day for the session.
. Please wear a comfortable clothing and expect to lie flat on your back for 2-3 hours.
. Your session is a private, and confidential discussion between you and your practitioner. No other person is permitted during the session. Must be 18 years or older.
. Please take any prescribed medications that you have been taking as usual.
. Light caffeine on the day of your session, if you must. Please eat light and healthy.
. Bring water and snacks with you. You'll be hungry after the session.
. Be mindful, your experience may differ from what you see on Youtube videos because you are not that person. Honor your uniqueness, you'll experience what is appropriate for you, this work is amazing!!
When you arrive:
. We will begin by relaxing, and getting to know about your life story.
. After reviewing your list of questions, I will get you settled comfortably ready for a deep relaxation.
. We'll do water ceremony and experience sound healing for a deep relaxation.
. As I begin the deep relaxing guided meditation, you will see how easy, and natural hypnosis is.
. Dream like scenes will be shown, I will be right there with you asking questions to your higher self and they will explain everything about the scenes you were shown and explain your life lessons; if appropriate receive healing instantaneously.
. You will speak loud and clear and you will lead the way by telling me every details that you are experiencing.
. Before we end, I will bring you back to full wakefulness, feeling refreshed, and wonderful! You've stepped into an altered state of consciousness, soon find the memory fade away like a dream. This is why you will receive a recording of your session within 48 hrs.
. We will have a short discussion on the information you received from the session, before you leave to begin your brand new life.
. Cosmic journey can be tiresome, take extra time to take good care of yourself for the remainder day.
How you'll feel after the session:
Often clients come out of the hypnosis session with a look of an awe and disbelief.
"I can't believe what I have just saw and witnessed", that mystical look is priceless. All the skepticism, doubts disappear and be in the state of blissfulness, joy and happiness. This is the true beauty of the Quantum Healing, empowering, transforming you to have a new outlook on life!
- The best part is that it's YOU, it's your own voice, your inner self, healing you and explaining, loving you, all recorded for you to listen. You weren't relying on someone else's interpretation.
Now that you are awaken, then what?
You've just experienced extra-ordinary, you were lit and you are awaken. You were born into a family, now you have a different out look, you can join or create the family you want. You can become a Light worker and join our soul family by becoming a member or you can continue the same path, alone.
Soul Family Membership Benefits:
Your source energy is with you at all times. You need to tap into it to allow them to guide you. Amazing transformation can launch many questions and experiencing unusual bumps dealing with family, friends and life in general.
. Meet via online zoom to discuss your journey
. Meet other family members to know that you are not alone, going through similar experiences
. Be the family that you wished you had; create loving, supportive family worldwide
. Opportunity to become a Healing Circle Member to share your gift and offer services to each other
. Receive a deep discount on Dahana Gachi's products and services
*Email to join the Family Gathering:
*** If you would benefit from a session, but feels it is not possible due to cost, please reach out and let's see if we can find something that works for both of us. We should all ascend together, no-one should be left behind.
I am deeply honored to serve you as a conduit. Thank you for trusting me to guide you to your self discovery. Now, feel the joy and magic in life, believe, align and Co-Create with your Source Energy.
Online Zoom session:
. Laptop, iPad or Phone devices required.
. Head phone with microphone a must.
. Make sure to have a decent broad band speed
. Care taker's Phone #
. All is well kind of an attitude
Here are few QHHT Sample questions:(trust that I find no topic off-limits).
What action steps can I take to improve my life?
What are my core belief system that prevents me from moving forward?
What emotional blockages am I having and need to release?
Is there negative entity or an energy parasite in this body?
Is there any upcoming health issues, if I don't change my life style/diet?
What type of work I should associate to be happy and make a lot of money?
What karma did I incarnate to resolve? How best way to resolve this?
What is my life’s purpose? How can I easily align with this purpose?
Where should I go to run into my soul mate?
Is there any particular crystals I should carry with me and for what reason?
What is the best way for me to allow or communicate with my Source? Through music, books, meditation, writing, cooking, etc
Is there certain environment that is causing myself/family to be sick?
When is my Birthday and what is the exact time I was born? (If adopted)
When is my pet’s Birthday?(If adopted)
Which climate is good for this body? Any region, country, or state that you can recommend?
Are all of my chakras aligned and can you tell me which chakras I should care for more and what is the reason?
Can you name allergies or phobias that I am not aware of?
Can you recommend mantras that would help me to break free from this negative belief?
Is there a specific color, numbers, elements I should associate with?
What can I do to lessen or break my addiction to a specific person, substance or behavior and what was the lesson in that situation?
What should I do to have a better sleep pattern?
What exercises works best for this body?
What food/diet is the best for this body? Any foods I should avoid?
Are there any vitamins or supplements I should take or avoid?
Have I ever had a past life with a specific family member, friend, spouse or even Jesus?
Is there someone in my life that I should end the association with? Why?
Is there something I should know about concerning my children/family member?
Your investment deposit of $100 to hold your spot, it is required upon booking, not refundable.
The balance is required 48 hours before the session, along with your questions for QHHT & Spiritual Hypnosis session, unless cash, please indicate.
I accept Venmo (preferred method), credit cards and cash.